Our modern institution is interested in cultivating an environment where young students can come together and learn in a creative and flexible environment. We work collaboratively with our students to achieve outstanding results.
Whether it is your first, second or third gift this year, your annual fund contribution will make a significant impact in helping ensure all students who are accepted through LEO Foundation are able to attend school.
If you wish to support this scholarship, please make your check payable to:
LEO Foundation and write in the memo line, the name of scholarship you are funding.
A charitable trust is a great way to continue making an impact with charitable giving even after you are long gone. A charitable trust can also have many tax incentives and financial benefits for those who want to set aside any assets that are not needed for retirement.
Madeline LoConti Winney, CEO, LEO Foundation
Phone: 602.206.4465
Email: mwinney@leofoundationusa.org
Imagine making a contribution that leaves a legacy for generations to come. This lasting impact can easily be made by establishing a LEO Foundation endowment.
Endowed funds differ from others in that the total amount of the gift is invested. Only a portion of the income earned is spent each year, while the remainder is added to the principal for growth. In this respect, an endowment is a perpetual gift. LEO Foundation endowments begin at $25,000, funded fully at its initiation or made as a pledge, payable over up to three years. Donors may contribute any amount to an existing endowed program or pool resources with other like-minded individuals or companies to create a new endowment.
You can choose to make a pledge and request that the LEO Foundation reminds you or charges your credit card at a specific time in the future. Making a pledge gives you the flexibility to distribute your gift throughout the year.
For your convenience, billing arrangements can be made monthly, quarterly or annually. We gladly accept the following forms of payment: cash, check, and credit card.
You can also make a secure online gift or pledge to the LEO Foundation by clicking the donate button below. Full payment of pledged gifts should be made by December 31st of each year.
Please make checks payable to:
LEO Foundation and write the name of the scholarship you are funding in the memo line.
Real estate is a powerful asset that can be donated as a direct gift. A deed or title can be transferred from you to the LEO Foundation easily and without a large amount of unnecessary paperwork. As the donor, you will be eligible for a real estate donation tax deduction which will be equal to the fair market share of your property and can be carried forward for five years. Additionally, you may avoid Capital Gains Tax, which would be incurred if you were to sell the property instead.
If you are interested in learning more about real estate donations, please contact us. We would love to share more information with you.
Choose which existing scholarship you would like to support.
You may also select unrestricted which allows for funding to be applied where needed.
If you are interested in learning more about donating to an existing scholarship fund, please contact:
Madeline LoConti Winney, CEO, LEO Foundation
Choose which field or study to apply your donation: Academic, Athletic, Business, Christian Studies/Theology, Fine Arts, Nursing, STEM, Youth Development Programs. You may also select unrestricted which allows for funding to be applied where needed.
If you are interested in learning more about donating to a specific field or study, please contact:
Madeline LoConti Winney, CEO, LEO Foundation
Setting up your own scholarship is easy. LEO Foundation will provide assistance and expertise in setting up and awarding scholarship dollars to students.
If you are interested in learning more, please contact:
Madeline LoConti Winney, CEO, LEO Foundation
Email: mwinney@leofoundationusa.org
Phone: 602.206.4465
24 W. Camelback Road, Suite A-407 Phoenix, Arizona 85013
Madeline Winney mwinney@leofoundationusa.org
November 1, 2024 @ 12:00 am
March 1 @ 12:00 am